
Safe and Healthy learning environment for all children

Campus : The school is designed by a team of architects and interior designers specialised in the field of school designing. All the areas are planned and designed in a way that maximises the learning outcome in a child centric environment.

Learning Centre – Early childhood education lays the foundation of learning for children . Thus at Blooming Tree with a state-of-the art infrastructure and ample learning and teaching tools we ensure that a student at Blooming Tree blooms with all his / her glory.


Our Centre


Resource Centre


Parents as Partners

What will my child do in the class? What all he/she will be taught? What do we need to do as parents? Many such questions are answered and parents’ anxiety is put at rest during the Orientation Program. This program helps to familiarize the parents with the school’s curriculum, extracurricular activities and other guidelines.

We believe that the perfect communication is always a two-way process. Regular Parent-Teacher Meetings are held wherein parents are updated about their child’s progress. In these meetings, parents also get the chance to share their views and observations related to their child’s overall development. Apart from this , Parents can meet the respective teacher (with prior appointment ) between 1pm- 2pm on all working days or on any of the working Saturday

Parenting workshops are held at regular intervals and are conducted by eminent child psychologists to make the parents aware about how to spend quality time with children, effective discipline techniques, the power of encouragement etc.

Parents Day Out – How about presenting a stage performance in your child’s school? While the moment fills the child’s heart with immense joy, it also helps strengthen the bond between the child and his/her parents and creates sweet memories to cherish throughout their lifetimes.